Friday, September 24, 2010

constant as a star is above

constant as a star is above, always know that you are love. ;) today was an awesome and yet an amazing day. once i reached school, walked up in the staircase, walking halfway, saw Chenyi, Jocelyn and Vivienne walking down.when they saw me, they PULLED me down to the canteen and bought nasi lemak for me. and I have an extra egg!XD nice. and during recess time,the four of them, plus SuYi, five, went down with the nasi lemak, they forced me to finish it, after that celebrated my birthday, with some chocolate cake! and Vivienne gave me a monkey doll and a keychain. like they always call me, teenage multan ninja turtke taufo pik pok.-.- hahaha. but seriously, I would like to thank these people, Chenyi, Vivienne, Jocelyn, Mei Zhen and lastly SuYi. :) <3>

chocolate cake! :P
the monkey!

my fans!XD
my nasi lemak with the extra egg

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